[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10m prediction

kd4d at comcast.net kd4d at comcast.net
Mon Dec 13 09:06:12 EST 2004

Hi Steve:

Your QSO's will almost certainly count.  Except for the Sprint, I'm not
aware of any contests that penalize you if the other station busts your
call or exchange.  As long as they logged something close, you'll be

I always request the UBN reports from the contests that provide them.
It provides nice feedback.  I think the ARRL even indicates how many
other stations busted your call or exchange...

Don't worry.  The other stations will get gigged, but you shouldn't.


Mark, KD4D

> i think i am going to have one of the most busted calls in the contest.  KB3KAQ 
> is either going to be KA3AQ or KB6KAQ or some other variation.  instead of my 
> correct MD, it will end up as MA.
> why?
> because so many stations do not verify the call or exchange info before moving 
> to the next station in an effort to keep their rates high.  what the heck is the 
> point of exchanging info if you are not taking care to copy the exchange or 
> callsign correctly.  several of these are the only qso i had with that mult and 
> i am certain that my qso will not count and now my score will suffer.
> but it's just a hobby....
> -steve
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