[CQ-Contest] RAEM contest

Igor Sokolov ua9cdc at r66.ru
Mon Dec 27 12:46:53 EST 2004

Thank you David. I have reposted it in Russian contest reflector.
Congrats with good signal on 80m, Sorry, could not find K1TTT on 40.
I used TR log and then did all the scoring in Excel. Took less then
10 minutes :)
73, Igor UA9CDC

> I was really surprised to hear K1TTT calling me in RAEM contest on
> 80m CW.  That was 9-30 AM local time and sun had been up for well
> over 40 minutes here.
> Many other participants from Asiatic Russia worked him as well. I
> just curiouse what is the total number of contacts K1TTT made in
> contest. Was it 80m single band? I was looking for him on 40 as
> but never heard. The result shoulb be very good because the score
> based on distance in this contest.
> I would also be glad to hear what was the setup used there.
> It was also nice to work VR2BG and couple of ZL stations. Brett is
> regular. I work him in every contest and use him as  beacon to
> estimate the propagation.

That was n2ow and nt2y doing multi-op, but only made contacts on 80
and 40m.
total contacts was only 78, not sure of score yet as n1mmlogger has a
bug in
the score algorithm that I am waiting to be fixed.  They had 57 qso's
on 80m
and 21 on 40m.

On 80m I have a raised 4-square array (feed points about 2m high)
and an
inverted V at 50m.  on 40m I have 2/2 at 30m/60m and a 4-square

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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