[CQ-Contest] Armed with a Bencher

Art Boyars art.boyars at verizon.net
Tue Feb 3 19:41:32 EST 2004

An overwhelming mob of inquirers (one) prompted me to look for the reference on the article.  It took 40 minutes of digging
through the box, but I found it: "Come Out With Your Hands Up! I'm Armed With a Bencher!", by Bill Shrader, K2TNO, in National Contest Journal, Volume 17 Number 4, July/August 1989.

Bill wrote several other entertaining articles for NCJ in the late '80s.  Indeed, there are lots of good articles in those the old issues.  (In the Jan/Feb 1989 issue WB0IKN and NI0E say that computer logging is good for DX contests, but they recommend against it for SS.)  I had been thinking of getting rid of my box full of old issues, but as I scanned through them looking for "Armed With a Bencher", I changed my mind.

73, Art K3KU

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