[CQ-Contest] Sprint QSY Rule and SSB Sprint Elimination

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Thu Feb 12 06:53:08 EST 2004

I thought I was the only one who thought this...that's 
likely the main reason I don't operate it.  That, and the 
QSY rule really sucks on SSB...de AA4GA

The rule is a good one and is what makes the Sprint unique.  It stops the big 
gun stations from just squatting down on a freq and starting a run.  No 
matter how many guys respond to that CQ, you gotta move after one QSO.   It is 
frustrating, but that's part of the fun.
Some guys obviously are not in love with the SSB Sprint or the RTTY one.  
That's fine.  I don't do the RTTY one either.  If you don't want to do RTTY or 
the SSB one I understand.  However, lots of guys do enjoy one or the other and 
operate in them.  If there are not that many guys in a contest it will fade 
away into oblivion.  That obviously is not happening with the SSB Sprint.  It's a 
fun contest that takes only four hours but makes you feel like you operated 
eight.  I love 'em.

Bill K4XS


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