[CQ-Contest] Sprint QSY Rule and SSB Sprint Elimination

Tom Osborne w7why at charter.net
Thu Feb 12 10:53:00 EST 2004

> The rule is a good one and is what makes the Sprint unique.  >It
stops the big  gun stations from just squatting down on a freq >and
starting a run.

I don't think the QSY rule has any inpact on the guys who are scoring
over 300 Q's.  It depends more on being a great operator.  If you
didn't have the rule, the same guys would still win, but by a bigger
score.  The guys who make over 300 Q's are the same ones who win the
CQWW and the other contests.  It is just their good operating
skills!!!  I hit 200 once and that was great for me.  But I'm just in
it for the fun, although I do hate the SSB contests--all of them.  73

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