[CQ-Contest] Lost leading 'dit'

VR2BrettGraham vr2bg at harts.org.hk
Wed Feb 25 01:59:38 EST 2004

Interesting - AD1C wasn't running an amp, yet had lots of folks come back to
him as TD1C.

I've found that more of the folks that I thought were coming back to UR2BG were
actually sending VR2BG, once I turned back the TR hold delay on my K2 - a
rig I got as it seemed to be getting quite a following in the active ham 
due to performance & is one of the few current products available that one 
has a
chance of repairing in the field (even a Big Three office here just sends 
broken rigs
back to the factory for repair).

Not that I want to hijack Jim's thread, but according to the "guardians" (I 
can just
picture them on the Elecraft list, just the same as the 80-something 
geezers Beijing
rolls out to tell us Hongkongers that Deng Xiao-ping really meant no when 
he said
something that sounded like yes at the time), anyone who uses PTT on CW is a
right honorable stoater & all logging programs _must_ change to comply to a 
instead of a rig providing basic interface spiquets like every other radio 
ever made.

So, how many folks use PTT on CW?  Where does your PTT line originate from?
Why do you do it this way?  How would you deal with a radio which not only
goes into transmit mode, but also goes key down when PTT is asserted?  Would
this "feature" put you off purchasing such a radio?

If you write operating software, would you change to accommodate such a rig?

A summary will go to the list & Elecraft.

73, VR2BrettGraham

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