[CQ-Contest] Lost leading 'dit'

R. Torsten Clay tclay at netdoor.com
Tue Feb 24 21:35:59 EST 2004

>Interesting - AD1C wasn't running an amp, yet had lots of folks come back
>to him as TD1C.

>I've found that more of the folks that I thought were coming back to UR2BG
>were actually sending VR2BG, once I turned back the TR hold delay on my K2
>- a rig I got as it seemed to be getting quite a following in the active
>ham community due to performance & is one of the few current products
>available that one has a chance of repairing in the field (even a Big
>Three office here just sends broken rigs back to the factory for repair).

Maybe the missing dits were other K2 users?

There's also a bug (or "feature" depending on your perspective) with the
K2 that the transmit power ALC is extremely conservative. After changing
bands with a K2, the transmit ALC assumes it should start out at 0 watts,
and then slowly (over a couple of seconds) bring the power up to full
output. So if I change bands, I lose the first cw character I send on the
new band (unless I remember to "tune up" on the new band). I own a pair of
K2's now, and they both behave the same way.


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