[CQ-Contest] Efficiently Calling CQ in CW Contests

Dale Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Sat Feb 28 19:58:06 EST 2004

> Whats wrong with       TU    C2LL    if somone tunes in at the tail of  LL
> the   TEST doesn't mean a darn thing anyway.
> Quack
It does to me.  If all I get is LL followed by TEST and it's early in the
contest, I'm sending my call.  If it's a dupe, you'll likely tell me and I'm
off to the next opportunity.  But, being early in the contest, you're more
than likely to be sending me ur exchange.

If all I get is LL followed by TEST and it's late in the contest and you
don't sound like K6LL and I don't recall any other LL I've worked, I'm
sending my call.  If it's a dupe, you'll tell me.

If all I get is LL and it's not followed by TEST, I'm waiting to see if the
other station is someone I need---if it sounds like the QSO is not going to
last into the next millenium.  If the exchange is a long one (e.g, SS), I
may even tune off QRG a bit to see if someone's calling CQ above or below I
might need, then check back on the QRG when I think the first QSO ended to
see who the other station was.

So, to me, TEST is important.

If TEST is sent and there's no one to hear it, does it make a sound?

dale, kg5u


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