[CQ-Contest] 10M NAQP Weirdness

TOMK5RC at aol.com TOMK5RC at aol.com
Tue Jan 13 09:46:16 EST 2004

So far, the phenomena was experienced by W7RN, K3WW, K0VBU and ND6E. K7SV 
reported echoes that sound more like multipath scatter than what the rest of us 

After long discussions about Long Delayed Echo's, each of us reported the 
repeated information being quite loud and containing background noise, totally 
atypical of LDE's (which are usually quite weak). 

Best guess is someone with a computer sound board connected to the radio (a 
la RTTY or Voice Keying) made a .wav file of each of us and played it back. If 
they were looking for recognition, I hope they are subscribed to this 
reflector. You got your 15 minutes of fame.

Probably nothing supernatural, of course I do live reasonably close to Area 
51. I also attribute the incident to only being at #9 in the early claimed 
scores. Who can I sue for loss of contest performance?

Tom, K5RC
aka W7RN
Virginia City NV

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