[CQ-Contest] 203 IARU Results

Timo Klimoff timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net
Thu Jan 15 23:22:14 EST 2004

>Two of these problems result from these HQ stations operating from various
locations and the requirement that they use separate callsigns by their
national >licensing authorities.  The third problem arose from the station
being operated from multiple zones on different continents, but there was
not way of determining >this from the log submitted.  Please be aware that
in each of these cases there was no attempt by the stations to circumvent
the rules - their operations were in >compliance with the rules for HQ

Maybe it is time to change the current HQ rules (which propably were formed
some ten years ago after some stations 'bended' the rules):
- only one callsign allowed
- operation is only allowed from one DXCC-country and zone

It is also interesting to see hugh amount of domestic contacts which some
stations have. It would be interesting to know how much uniques each HQ
worked.( Unique propably means = that domestic station only worked own HQ
and didn't generate any extra contest activity, if uniques %s are high -> 0
pts for qsos to own country for HQs?)

Just my 0.01 euros ...

73, Timo OH1NOA

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