[CQ-Contest] 203 IARU Results

SP5UAF tomek at sp5zcc.waw.pl
Fri Jan 16 10:37:47 EST 2004


Thanks for answers about IARU scores and contest.

TK> not way of determining >this from the log submitted.  Please be aware that
TK> in each of these cases there was no attempt by the stations to circumvent
TK> the rules - their operations were in >compliance with the rules for HQ
TK> stations.
We have never thought that any of the HQ teams can try to circumvent
the rules.
The reason of our question on the reflector is just to know what made
such a difference. It is always a good thing to clear such things for
many reasons:
- the final score was counted wrong way
- cross-checking software does not work correctly
- other errors
- all is OK

In case of any errors it is very good thing to clear all things just to
make it work better next time.

TK> Maybe it is time to change the current HQ rules (which propably were formed
TK> some ten years ago after some stations 'bended' the rules):
TK> - only one callsign allowed
TK> - operation is only allowed from one DXCC-country and zone
Perhaps you are right, Timo. We have lot's of points differences thanks
to zone locations. Just enough worry about situations when a station
is located in two or three zones. But for now if it is in accordance
we only can be sorry we are a one zone country. And that's all.

TK> It is also interesting to see hugh amount of domestic contacts which some
TK> stations have. It would be interesting to know how much uniques each HQ
TK> worked.( Unique propably means = that domestic station only worked own HQ
TK> and didn't generate any extra contest activity, if uniques %s are high -> 0
TK> pts for qsos to own country for HQs?)
Yes, it can be a problem. However if such a domestic station calls
only its country HQs and then the contest-log is sent to the Committee
- it is in accordance with the rules: like being located in many
zones. In the same way a DX operation (I mean DX from the top 50 of
most wanted DXCC) is in better situation in - let's say - CQ WW.

In Poland we try to invite Polish HAMs to the IARU Contest every year.
We even prepared a publication about contesting, operating techniques,
propation etc. We know many SP stations called only SN0HQ during
IARU. We do hope thay will have more fun from contesting next year and
will work more stations - not only from Poland.

In the meantime Fabio I4UFH informed us that the claimed score of
IUxHQ was 13,300,189 and that was the submitted score. After log
checking process their score increased by 4,5 mln points. They are
surprised themselves also.


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