[CQ-Contest] Feb 04 QST op-ed article
Bob Wanderer
aa0cy at QUADNET.NET
Sun Jan 18 14:48:04 EST 2004
There would be less SSB contest activity pressure on the
bands if USA stations were permitted to operate down to
3600, 7100,
14100, etc...
Perhaps, but then the pressure (especially outside the USA)
to go below xx100kHz or 3600kHz (or whatever is the dividing
frequency) would increase, causing "issues" with the CW and
digital (e.g. RTTY) modes.
It is my belief that, outside of the USA, the separation
between CW/digital and phone segments is more a gentleman's
agreement (de facto) than codified in regulations (de jure).
Regardless, perhaps during major-major international phone
contests allowing the phone band to universally start at
xx050kHz (or whatever) might alleviate the phone problem
while still leaving a fair amount of room for the CW/digital
folks. It seems reasonable to assume too that many
CW/digital types will be operating the phone contest.
73 de AA0CY
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