[CQ-Contest] CQ 160 Operating Practices

K3SV, Bill Gillenwater k3sv at pa.net
Mon Jan 26 23:05:11 EST 2004

This is not unique to the 160 contest but happens mostly in a CW contest. Operators who start calling CQ right on top of another station and just keep calling, hoping you will go away. You know the guy, "my gun's louder than your gun", total idiots. I hope that you multi-op stations know who and what operating geniuses are at the helm using your callsign and blasting away without regard to their fellow amateurs. There is one "N3" station in particular that does this repeatedly, this year in several CW contests, he just moves around and starts calling anywhere, thinking "what the heck, why should I have to find a clear frequency, I'll just make one". Total idiots. My Elmer back in the 60's told me stories of "pinning" the coax of amateurs that thought they were hot stuff. A couple of times this year I would have used a hatchet instead of a "pin". Hope these guys grow up someday.

73 Bill

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