[CQ-Contest] IARU HF Championship: Identical Name of 2 (or 3) Radio Societies

Michael Chen/BD5RV bd5rv at jsdxc.org
Tue Jul 13 21:12:02 EDT 2004

Hi, Icko san,
	The same problem happened in B4HQ. We  find that our logging software  
writelog does not recognize two different ARM HQ, so I simply change  
XX9ARM to ARMM to get a correct score. This situation will also happen  
when some guy have Monaco (3A)in his log, since there are 3 different IARU  
member society using "ARM" as their abbreviation.
	I don't know whether IARU contest commitee has realized this problem. I  
wrote to Dan, N1ND, the contest director of IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP, but  
haven't got any reponse yet.
	btw, thank you for multi-band contacts during the contest with B4HQ

Michael, BD5RV/4
Team B4HQ

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