[CQ-Contest] Re: CQ Zone 16/17

John Warren nt5c at texas.net
Fri Jul 23 12:35:00 EDT 2004

Surely what matters in this discussion is where the "continental 
divide" is between Europe and Asia?  European stations are presumably 
Z16, Asian Z17.

Art RX9TX has pointed out that the UA9S and UA9T suffixes are 
assigned randomly within Orenburg oblast, so that distinction doesn't 

The Ural River flows through Orenburg city and oblast, and is shown 
in my National Geographic atlas as the boundary between Europe and 
Asia. This fits Art's suggestion that stations northwest of the river 
are in Europe Z16, and those southeast of it (like himself) are in 
Asia Z17 (correct Art?).

No matter. I learned sometime back that a station's Zone is what CQ 
says it is! The 9M0s on Layang-Layang atoll in the Spratly chain are 
about 100mi outside the eastern boundary of Z26 on most maps - but 
they count for Z26 (fortunately!).

John, NT5C.

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