[CQ-Contest] CQ Zone 16/17 - a clarification

Art RX9TX rx9tx at esoo.ru
Fri Jul 23 23:55:52 EDT 2004

 Hello CQ-Contest,

 Friday, July 23, 2004 Stuart Santelmann KC1F wrote to Art RX9TX:

SSK>     I think I may know what the problem is:  "9T" callsigns may not have
SSK> been assigned until relatively recently,

No,  the  problem  is:  Asian stations were referred to European zone.
That's it!

SSK> CQ, contest logging programs, and DXlogging programs should
SSK> apparently be updated to show "9T" as being in zone 16, I guess.

Apparently  this is the easiest solution, and the worst. I do not know
anyone  here  who gives 16 th zone in the contests. Definitely we will
go on with zone 17 in the future, so let's leave it as is.

SSK> Art,  does  this mean that UA9TK, UA9TQ, and UA9TS etc are all CQ
SSK> zone 16?

Being  technically  correct,  yes, they are in zone 16. Being mentally
correct, they must be in zone 17, as far as they are in Asia.

 73...Art RX9TX        24-Jul-04 03:47 UTC

 "If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at Swiss bank." [Woody Allen] 

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