[CQ-Contest] CQ Zone 16/17 - a clarification

Art RX9TX rx9tx at esoo.ru
Sat Jul 24 00:05:47 EDT 2004

 Hello CQ-Contest,

 Friday, July 23, 2004 Tim Makins, EI8IC wrote to Art RX9TX:

TME> Well, that's a different question. If you want all of UA9S/T/W to change
TME> from zone 16 to zone 17, I guess you would have to ask the CQ board.

Tim,  unfortunately  it is useless and I do not expect WAZ sponsors to
change zones boundaries :((.

 73...Art RX9TX        24-Jul-04 03:17 UTC

 "Trust in Allah, but tie your camel." [Old Muslim Proverb] 

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