[CQ-Contest] Recruiting women into contesting

KA2GWM at aol.com KA2GWM at aol.com
Tue Jul 27 10:55:13 EDT 2004

Here's another opportunity for YLs to get an introduction to the kind of 
operationg necessary in a contest, by being a DX station and getting help/advice 
from some well-known YL contesters:

Several YLs (including contester Ann WA1S) are planning a DXpedition to 
Grenada and are looking for other YLs who would be interested in
participating. We want YLs to be aware of this great
novice DXpedition opportunity. The dates are November
13-30 and the group will help you with licensing. OMs
are welcome, too. The rooms will be given a discount
if we can book 5 rooms by the end of August. There is
shopping, beaches, snorkelling, SCUBA and GREAT
spices.  Plus the  hotel is a short walk to the beach.
For more info, contact Cheryl N0WBV at
n0wbv at earthlink.
      Not sure if I'm going to make this one, but will try. I've been 
contesting about 8 yrs now, mostly as guest op in multi-multi's or from VP5. Was also 
active in IARU as  part of NU1AW. 
33/73,  Diane  K2DO   
member YCCC and Order of Boiled Owls of NY Contest Club

n a message dated 7/26/2004 5:46:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
kenharker at kenharker.com writes:

>      I have kept track in some of my recent phone contest operations 
> of the number of QSOs I make with stations that are being operated by 
> female voices.  I know that gender recognition through voice 
> characteristics is imperfect, but nevertheless I am confident that 
> women account for fewer than 2% of the contest QSOs I make on HF 
> phone.
>      I am sure that women account for more than 2% of licensed 
> amateurs in the U.S. and most other countries.  I am sure that women 
> account for more than 2% of the "active" amateurs.  Roughly 20% of 
> the electrical engineering bachelors degrees granted in the United
> States go to women.  12% of electrical engineering PhDs and 16% 
> of computer science PhDs in the United States go to women.  There 
> are plenty of technically-skilled and educated women quite capable 
> of understanding the technical aspects of radio contesting, and 
> lots of women of all ages are involved in other serious amateur 
> sporting and competitive events.  But women seem to account for 
> less than 2% of HF phone contest activity.
>      How can we interest more women in radio contesting?
> -- 
> Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
> kenharker at kenharker.com
> http://www.kenharker.com/

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