[CQ-Contest] Interesting new rule in EUHFC

K4RO Kirk Pickering k4ro at k4ro.net
Wed Jun 9 13:27:12 EDT 2004

I imagine the spectrum recorders could be a useful tool for contest 
adjudicators, especially with a coordinated effort of strategically 
placed recievers and time-stamped digital recordings.  But they are 
also a great educational tool for the (honest) contest operator.  
The Time Machine makes a great magnet at hamfests to attract a crowd 
to your contest booth. It's rather uncanny at first to listen to RF 
coming from a tape recorder.  I recorded the first six hours of the
bottom of 20 meters during the 2004 WPX CW contest from my Tennessee
station, and I will be doing the same thing for Field Day.  I'm not 
affiliated with either company listed -- I just think these are very 
interesting tools for the contester.

-Kirk  K4RO

On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 07:34:47PM -0400, Tom Frenaye wrote:
> If I was in charge of trying to search for rules violations,
> I'd simply buy some of the devices available for recording a
> broad spectrum of frequency.  In the USA you can buy such
> receivers from several sources, including:
>           http://www.expandedspectrumsystems.com/
>           http://www.flex-radio.com/

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