[CQ-Contest] Lost leading 'dit' - summary

Bill Tippett btippett at alum.mit.edu
Tue Mar 2 17:16:26 EST 2004

S56A wrote:
 >The rest might not be required under "Do it right first time" JA industrial
The exception might be two 47 nF caps instead of present 10 nF in CW key

         Excuse me?...the FT-1000 was introduced around 1990 and was shipped
with clicks until it was recently discontinued.  The FT-1000MP was
introduced in 1995 and subsequent models STILL have clicks.  If that's
"do it right the first time" and continuous process improvement, I believe
someone must have slept through their Deming TQC classes.  ;-))

                                                 73,  Bill  W4ZV

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