[CQ-Contest] Virus Attachments from Contesters

<ON5MF> Jurgen Geldhof on5mf at ktk.be
Mon May 10 01:55:06 EDT 2004


there is only one thing you can do about it...

Get good antivirus software and keep the software and its virus 
definitions up to date.


Jurgen Geldhof

on5mf at ktk.be <mailto:on5mf at ktk.be>


	our club: 	www.ktk.be <http://www.ktk.be> 	<http://www.mozilla.org>

	the Belgian Amateur Radio Society: 	www.uba.be <http://www.uba.be>


Hal Offutt wrote:

>For the last month I've been getting 4-5 viruses each day from addresses
>like validcall at hotmail.com.  (I assume that the 17.4 kb attachments are
>viruses; I don't open them.)  Today I got one that said it was from
>a well-known Connecticut contester at arrl.net.  The message title was "re: re:
>I assume that whoever is sending this stuff got my address from
>contest-related list.  Are others receiving this stuff ?  Who is doing this?
>Is there anything we
>can do about it?
>Hal W1NN
>CQ-Contest mailing list
>CQ-Contest at contesting.com

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