[CQ-Contest] Dayton Report -- Scrolling LED signs

W0UN -- John Brosnahan shr at swtexas.net
Tue May 18 07:52:38 EDT 2004

One of these days (yeah, right) I am going to invent something
to get rich quick, like a pet rock or a hula hoop.

This Hamvention's richest guy has to be the guy who invented
the scrolling LED badge.   Seems like 50% of the attendees
had one.   Someone told me he sold out on Friday and had
to haul in more for Saturday.  The only thing I have seen at
Dayton in the past that sold like these scrolling badges did was
the old Squawk Box 2!

I spent too much time in the Alpha-Power booth and never
got to see ALL of the exhibits.  And I convinced myself that
I did NOT need the gimmick du jour, so I never bothered to
find the guy (although I must admit that I did find them to be pretty
cool!)  But upon arriving home I told a good friend who owns a
motorcycle museum about them and he wanted to find out where
to get them so he can sell them in his little "gift shop".

Does anyone have any contact info for the guy with the
scrolling LED badges at Dayton??  It also seems like they
might be pretty handy as reminder signs so I can remember
my own call sign and exchange about 47 hours into the contest.

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