[CQ-Contest] NCJ Topic - Contesting on a Budget

mike l dormann w7dra at juno.com
Mon May 17 18:19:02 EDT 2004

i link fed my raised radial top loaded verticals for 160 meters with
radio shack 300 ohm twin lead,  practcially no loss.  its quite a high
quality twin lead.................

mike w7dra
On Tue, 18 May 2004 16:11:57 EDT PaulKB8N at aol.com writes:
> Here's the Contesting on a Budget topic for July-August:
> Getting power to the Antenna...Cheaply!  I'd like to know what you 
> consider 
> to be the most cost-effective way to deliver power to the antenna.  
> What types 
> of feedlines do you use?  What advantages and disadvantages do open 
> feeders 
> offer?  How do you test for losses?  What kinds of analyses have you 
> done to 
> determine losses at various SWR levels, etc.
> Please provide responses by Thursday, May 20th.  As always, thanks 
> in 
> advance!!
> Paul, K5AF
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