[CQ-Contest] K2/100 vs. MP

Blake M. Meinecke n4gi at tampabay.rr.com
Wed May 26 18:33:54 EDT 2004

I've got both a regular 1998 MP and a K2/100.  I mainly use the K2 as radio
2 and have noticed many of the things John mentions, but I need to put 2
beefs on the list:

1) The radio has NO CW PTT!!!  The dot keying line doubles as the CW PTT.
This strange design makes for some interesting hookup dilemas with RX ant
lockouts and stuff.  The sharing also means plugging/unplugging the mic
cable during mixed mode contests (or turning off/on ptt in software). 2) No
zero detent for the RIT ARRRRGH !!!  You have to look at the rit offset
while turning to get it back to zero, and you can't turn it on mid-QSO and
expect to have the same station in the PB because you have no idea where
it's set!

I must attest that the latest KPA100 FW/shield mods have totally fixed my
SWR foldback problem.  I now have no foldback into my ICE 419 which has
never been 1:1 on 20M.  I also found a way around the low SSB drive problem
by turning the K2's audio channel up all the way in Writelog, leaving the
MP's low.  It drives an AL80B FB.

The K2 is surely no MP replacer, but it works good for me as rig2.  Now to
sit around and wait for the new INRAD roofing filter for the MP to show up

Blake N4GI

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Thompson" <jwt105 at yahoo.com>

> I have had a K2/100 vs. an MP(original) now for 3
> months.
> The Elecraft is a good FD/ DXpedition rig.
> It is NOT (and was not designed for) a primary contest
> rig

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