[CQ-Contest] Self-spotting , Illegal Power , Assisted Claiming Unassisted ... what is going on ???

Efstathios Maliakis m.eys at bankdodecanese.gr
Fri Nov 12 14:21:52 EST 2004

Hi, all


Just wanted to point out my thoughts and opinions on this long-listed


I guess , since you're reading this, you're a contesting enthusiast.

This makes me happy , 'cause you can really understand what I'm pointing


Well, I've been taking part seriously in CQ WW contests since 1994 and I

enjoyed every one of them till the last second.

But, when, after the contest , I seek for the score rumours @ contesting.com

generously by mr. Dinkelman, I get distressed and sad by the kind of

already posted, talking about how some colleaques "fished" their high rates,

how some others splattered 20Kc +/- of their TX QRG and how some others

make their way up to the final scores claiming no use of packet.


However, I find it interesting to read an analysis like K1TTT's because I
find out

about new ways of cheating. But, you know what ??? I don't have enough time

in front of me to practice those, because there is always something new

about. And there always will be !!! And there always will be a loudscreaming

trying to put everyone into their place.


So, what I do is enjoy ham radio my way. I love contesting like I understand
it in my


I could be 100% on K1TTT's & the group's side, but I see ham radio as a way

of the everyday routine, so I don't appreciate the militant, policeman-like

towards the cheaters. I know there are too many of them, technology helps
them, too,

but, as others have long before said, they will never stop existing.


What can be done about the loss of top-scoring place by a cheater, when you
have already

spent tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars for your world-class station,
when you enter

a category, in which a poor enthusiast wants to compete with a long wire and
50W ???

Does it really bother you that much??? How about the "little" guy, then ???


After all, when you are making your way to the highest rate of the weekend,
will you deny

exchanging RST with a well-known cheater calling you ??? Don't think so.


In this year's CQ WW SSB , I participated from new QTH as SX5R just for the
fun of it making

 a whole 1850 Qs in just under 30 hours of operation, with a good two 200+
Qs / hour periods.

I used cluster partially due to problems in the gateway; it didn't operate
full time.

I was glad not to use it even once for self-spotting, while being spotted
10-15 times throughout the weekend.

And all that was accomplished with a single vertical and a sloping loop ,
running my 850 bare.


Coming to a conclusion, I would like to propose the initiation of certain
procedures, first of all to

clearly prevent self-spotting (e.g. why not major clusters start using
digital signatures / certificates 

in order to allow a licensed radio amateur use a packet cluster node ?!?),
and then give the 

chance to the little guys compete in equal terms, too (e.g. why not initiate
a sorting method according

to the participant's equipment used during the contest ?!?). Of course, in
this last proposition, there 

should be a way of stating in a responsible manner what gear was used (e.g.
using an equipment used

list signed with the forementioned digital signature / certificate).


Radio is fun. Always was, always will be. If you can't stand cheaters and
their "habits", go to a WARC

band and key your nuts out of your paddle, or power off the station and get
mixed with your garden

or family. But, for God's sake, do not burst out the problems and miseries
of your life into this fabulous



Sorry for the long talk. Hope I shook some minds out there !!!

CU in CW end of the month. Look for SX5R on 10m (And that is NOT a self-spot
, hi !!!)


Stathis , SV5DKL (SX5R)



Efstathios Maliakis

Electrical Engineer 

Callsign : SV5DKL

"Life is too short for S&P"

Τel. : +30 22410 96153

e-mail :  <mailto:m.eys at bankdodecanese.gr> m.eys at bankdodecanese.gr

              <mailto:sv5dkl at hotmail.com> sv5dkl at hotmail.com

              <mailto:sv1dkl at hotmail.com> sv1dkl at hotmail.com


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