[CQ-Contest] Calfornia QSO Party -- CQP -- OCT 2-3, 2004

Kevin J. Rowett krowett at rowett.org
Sat Sep 4 19:02:35 EDT 2004

Hello contesters!

The best state QSO Party and the start of the serious contest season
is now only a month away.  

1600Z October 2, 2004  until  2200Z October 3, 2004

All California QSO Party rules, results, county abbreviations, and free 
logging software are available at:


This year's California QSO Party promises to be a lot of fun!
We are already filling in the county operating plan.  Take a look at:
Club competition is on the rise.  Can TCG take the plaque again this year.
Maybe another club will get to show off a nice CQP on their web page
for 2004.

(If you're planning to operate from an interesting California County,
please use the new web form to let us know your operating plans - we'll
post them).

The 10-minute operator rule change in 2003 was great success and it's
continued in 2004.  See the CQP rules web page for the details.

Plenty of Recognition this year too for that operator that goes
all the way, including: Plaques, Wine, and Certificates. The complete
list is on the CQP awards web page.

Work 100 or more QSOs and we'll send you a 2004 CQP T-shirt (please
include $12 to cover the costs).  

This is your chance to check out the new rigs, antennas, software,
maybe a new SO2R in preparation for sweepstakes.

Come join the fun - hope to work you in California QSO Party!

73, de -KR- N6RCE
CU in the Calif QSO Party Oct 2-3

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