[CQ-Contest] NCCC Sprint Practice

Haddon/N6ZFO hounds1234 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 8 20:50:54 EDT 2004

NCCC will hold a 30-minute NA Sprint rehearsal
tomorrrow (Thursday) night.

Date: Thursday night Sept 9th
Time: 2030-2100 PDT  (0330-0400 Z Fri)
Freq: 14040, 7040, 3540 +/-

For those who have participated in the NCCC Sprint,
NS, tomorrow's NA practice also counts as NS #11 for
the NS Competition Ladder.  The NA CW sprint itself
counts as our NS#12, with 1/3 of the Q's counting
on the NCCC Ladder.

Join us on 3853 afterwards for discussion.

73 Bill n6zfo

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