[CQ-Contest] Re: NAQP submission bounces

Jeffrey Rymer jrymer at ez-net.com
Wed Sep 8 21:43:16 EDT 2004

So now what happens. I sent my first log out on Sept 30 got no response 
back. I happen to look on the website on Sept 5 to see if I was on the 
list. I see I was not there. So the I resend my log again all weekend 
and it bounces back saying mailbox full. On  Sept 7th the mail finally 
goes through but I get no response back from any one. I email them with 
the problem. No word  from anyone. So now today I send to this address  
http://www.ncjweb.com/ssbnaqplogsubmit.php . Now it says this is my 1st 
log I've submitted. Now its a little to late. Are these logs going to be 
grandfathered in because of email problems? Jeff KE9S

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