[CQ-Contest] Minute of Silence in the Sprint

Doug Grant k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Fri Sep 10 10:15:43 EDT 2004

This is a reminder that many participants in the CW Sprint tomorrow night will be taking the opportunity to remember two of our recent Silent Keys who were Sprint enthusiasts, K4OJ and W4AN.

In past Sprints, some ops have chosen to use the name of a recently-departed contester, or contester's wife. This time we have two to remember. Ugh.

I was involved in the discussion that led to the suggestion of a minute of silence at the beginning, and have seen several excellent suggestions on improvements to the idea, such as calling AN and OJ for a bit between 2359 and 0000z. I think I will do this, then go silent for the first minute of the contest. I have not decided whether I will use a name other than my own. I understand that several people in last night's practice Sprint used the name "ANOJ".

Participation in this remembrance is strictly voluntary, and I won't hold it against anyone who decides not to observe the minute of silence, or forgets, or doesn't know about it, or whose clock is out of sync. 

But I would like to encourage the likely suspects who have a shot at winning to observe the silent minute to minimize the influence on the outcome of the contest. You know who you are.


Doug K1DG

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