[CQ-Contest] Sprint CW Practice - Friday

Dean Wood n6de at inreach.com
Fri Sep 10 12:24:52 EDT 2004

Please join the Friday NCCC Sprint CW practice session:

Friday, September 10; 7:00pm-7:30pm PDT
[In UTC: Saturday, September 11; 02Z-02:30Z]

NCCC net immediately follows on 3853 kHz.  Anyone is welcome to join us.

NCJ Sprint CW rules.  NOT NCCC NS rules.

(For example, this means no dupes on the same band, you are allowed to 
run high power, transmit your same name on every QSO instead of using 
the name from the previous QSO, etc.)

Sprint mini-contest practice sessions are great to:
*Try getting into the rhythm of a Sprint contest
*Reduce Sprint intimidation factor
*Test logging software and different exchange function keys, CW keying 
interface, and RFI in the shack
*Practice using 2 radios in a Sprint environment
*Get a sneak preview of contest propagation before Saturday

Good luck!

-Dean - N6DE

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