[CQ-Contest] CQ WPX Contest Awards

Yuri VE3DZ va3uz at sympatico.ca
Fri Apr 1 19:03:28 EST 2005

Unfortunately, it concerns not only CQ WPX.
I was trying to contact LA9HW regarding SAC 2001 plaque, he never answered.
Like I don't even exist.
Since then SAC died for me.
Similar situation is with CQ 160 M contest.
Dave K4JRB promised to send a 2002 plaque over a year ago but then he just
stopped responding to my e-mails... :-((
I know it's all running by volunteers and so on, but IMHO what was
promised - should be done.
Contrary to that I have to admit incredible job done by the contest staff at
the ARRL, RDXC and CQ WW CC (and personally John, K1AR!).

Yuri  VE3DZ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tonno Vahk" <tonno.vahk at mail.ee>
To: <CQ-Contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 12:10 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] CQ WPX Contest Awards

> Unfortunately I have to agree that Steve is impossible to contact. I sent
> him numerous e-mails last year trying to get my 2003 WPX UBN report. No
> answer. I met him in CCF meeting in OH in January and he said that UBN is
> available, just send email.
> Well, tried the whole January and February and March, several e-mails and
> again nothing. It really damages the contest  if you are unable to get
> clear descriptions of the rules. It is not spelled out what the penalties
> are, it is not sure what they check and if number is incorrect then who
> loses QSOs, etc...
> Compare that to RDXC or EUHFC or EU Sprint organisation and it makes me
> wonder why I even participate in WPX any more....
> 73
> tonno
> es5tv

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