[CQ-Contest] Barking up the wrong ARRL DX tree

jukka.klemola@nokia.com jukka.klemola at nokia.com
Mon Apr 4 15:53:44 EDT 2005


> -----Original Message-----
> From: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of ext
> Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
> The problem is
> that DX contesting essentially is a non-competitive exercise for the
> vast majority of the United States and 
> Canada.......................................de W4PA
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I disagree.  The majority of the US does have a shot at 
> winning the contest.

I work more guys inland with a GP than guys with a 3 el or
larger mono yagi up over 30 meters on 14MHz band.

I work more guys with a dipole or a loop than guys with a
3 el or larger mono yagi on 14MHz band that is at over 
30 meters height.

So I claim at least 60% of the hams I get a QSO with do not
have a chance of winning any test against the remaining 40%.
Then there is the cluster of less than 100 stations with
multiple antennas on the hill/mountaintops that have real
chances of winning the contests.
Plus the 1-3 superstations on the seashore with ground planes.

We have a similar situation here in Northern Europe.
Very few Big Signals and a large number of more casual

The casual operators make all this FUN.

The big signals are there with wrinkled foreheads,
swetty armpits and worn out trouser backs.
Those are the aluminum farmers.
They are a serious bunch of individuals.

> The problem is one of geographical location, but not in the 
> traditional sense 
> of the way people usually speak of it.  Most contesters would 
> agree that 
> there is an advantage to the Northeast US and Canada for the 

Being in California is not a benefit. All understand that.
But whether ou are really up NE or more South East, 
could be discussed.

If this would be true, KC1XX simply would wipe out the rest
in each and every contest.

And there are not many stations who have stacked Quads on
80 nor the amount of Aluminum on other bands.

As many can read on the results pages, team KC1XX has 
sometimes lost.
It is a matter of being in the Auroral zone.

It is not a matter of hardware.

Auroral zone is up North.

> My thoughts 
> are the same as yours...too bad, live with it.  It is 
> possible to win the 
> contest outside the Northeast if things go just your way as 
> they did in 2001, 
> when my station took first place low power US/VE in both the 
> CW and SSB.  Both 
> set the current records for that class.

Southern EU wins 80% of the contests compared to us here
up North, under the Northern Lights.
It must be the same there on the other side of the Ocean.

I see this more in a way that if I am lucky, I can win at OH0V.
But more often it is the other guys more south who win.

Usually the South Europeans have lower and smaller antennas.
When condx are the same for us, we sometimes do not loose.

> Bill K4XS

Jukka OH6LI

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