[CQ-Contest] Wireless headphones On Sale

RiC Wo4o at Home-Sweet-Loans.com
Tue Apr 5 21:28:22 EDT 2005


Thanks for tip.  They quoted $69.99 with free shipping to me; however, after 
negotiation we agreed on $59.99 with free shipping.  (I have a pair of wired 
Sennheiser's from the late 70's when I was a DJ on commercial FM radio in 
Southern California.  They still sound GREAT!)



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anthony DeBiasi" <K2SG at comcast.net>
To: "CQ-CONTEST" <CQ-CONTEST at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 05, 2005 1:08 PM
Subject: [CQ-Contest] Wireless headphones On Sale

> For those of you who might be looking for a good set of wireless 
> headphones I highly recommend the Sennheiser model 120.  I have tried 3 or 
> 4 different makes and models over the past few years and found the 
> Sennheiser to have the best in range, sound and overall quality.  I just 
> received a flyer from J&R Computer World  www.JR.com who happens to have 
> them on sale.  They are on sale for $59.99, I have seen them sold for as 
> much as $150.  Radio Shack has a variety of units available from $39.99 up 
> to $100+ but none came close in range or overall quality.
> My only interest is to save you a few dollars if you happen to be 
> interested in a quality set of wireless headphones.
> ..Tony K2SG
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