[CQ-Contest] web site updates

David Robbins K1TTT k1ttt at arrl.net
Sun Apr 24 09:15:58 EDT 2005

Besides sitting here watching the new wx station count up the inches of rain
that is watering the new aluminum seeds, I have been catching up on almost a
years worth of notes to add to my web site.  See the What's New page for the
links below, most of which are on the tech ref pages.  Lots of this stuff
has been collected from these reflectors over the last year or so, many from
discussions that get repeated regularly.

New techref link to: Rotor internal service by W1WEF (see page 6) 
New techref link to: More on safety harness problems 
New link to: W4COX Custom baluns and antenna systems 
Fixed or cleaned up more broken links. 
New techref link to: K5TR SO2R Schematic 
New link to: G4ZPY Morse keys 
New link to: W1JQ JL Java Logger 
New link to: DXLab applications 
New techref link to: Conversion program 
New techref link to: Communications Glossary 
New link to: AF4K Crystals 
New techref link to: Near real time F2 Layer critical frequency map 
New techref link to: Australian Space WX Agency 
Added link to general contest info page to: ZS1AN Contesting FAQ 
Added link to general contest info page to: K2YWE Contesting presentations 
Added techref link to: Finding height of Trees 
Added techref link to: Tuner Simulator 
Added techref link to: K3NA stub design 
Added techref link to: Increase amp relay speed 
Added techref link to: RF Noise Identification 
Added techref link to: Slashed Zero fonts 
Added techref page on: Concrete Conductivity 
Added techref link to: Lem Instruments ground resistance principles and
Added techref link to: Lighting inductance, capacitance, and resistance 
Added techref link to: W6RMK collection of lightning and antenna info

David Robbins K1TTT
e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
web: http://www.k1ttt.net
AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net

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