[CQ-Contest] Contest Support

Andrei Nevis v49a at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 4 10:23:19 EDT 2005

I hear you Art.
This is solely your choise and your decision. 
Not all participants will appreciate it though, because your absent Log will somewhat reduce their scores, but anyway do what you feel is right for you.
73's Andrei EW1AR-NC2N

Art RX9TX <rx9tx at qrz.ru> wrote:
Hello Andrei,

Thursday, August 4, 2005 Andrei Nevis wrote to Art RX9TX:

AN> You should stop participate.

As well as those not subscribed to CQ and those non-members of ARRL?

AN> You are worried too much. :L)

They try to sell me what THEY should pay for :) So yes, I'm worried :)

Well, I think I'll do that MY way - I'll go on working in them, but no
logs will be sent to the sponsors till they open full web access to
the results pages.

KT>> If you're not enjoying a contest because you're worried how long it will
KT>> take to get your certificate, or how much you'd like to see the results but
KT>> you're too cheap to support the sponsor of the contest (even if it means
KT>> buying one single friggin' copy of a magazine), then perhaps contesting
KT>> isn't for you.

AN> I can't buy that single sopy here, and I wouldn't want to buy it to
AN> know my results in internet era, as well as I wouldn't want to pay for
AN> membership in various national amateur organizations to be able to see
AN> expanded results like in case of ARRL-sponsored contests, then what,
AN> should I stop entering CQ and ARRL sponsored contests, is that what
AN> you're saying?

73...Art RX9TX 04-Aug-05 13:57 UTC

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