[CQ-Contest] Contest Support

Art RX9TX rx9tx at qrz.ru
Thu Aug 4 10:07:42 EDT 2005

 Hello Andrei,

 Thursday, August 4, 2005 Andrei Nevis wrote to Art RX9TX:

AN> You should stop participate.

As well as those not subscribed to CQ and those non-members of ARRL?

AN> You are worried too much. :L)

They try to sell me what THEY should pay for :) So yes, I'm worried :)

Well, I think I'll do that MY way - I'll go on working in them, but no
logs  will  be  sent to the sponsors till they open full web access to
the results pages.

KT>> If you're not enjoying a contest because you're worried how long it will
KT>> take to get your certificate, or how much you'd like to see the results but
KT>> you're too cheap to support the sponsor of the contest (even if it means
KT>> buying one single friggin' copy of a magazine), then perhaps contesting
KT>> isn't for you.

AN> I can't buy that single sopy here, and I wouldn't want to buy it to
AN> know my results in internet era, as well as I wouldn't want to pay for
AN> membership in various national amateur organizations to be able to see
AN> expanded results like in case of ARRL-sponsored contests, then what,
AN> should I stop entering CQ and ARRL sponsored contests, is that what
AN> you're saying?

 73...Art RX9TX        04-Aug-05 13:57 UTC

 "Good taste is the enemy of creativity." [Pablo Picasso] 

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