[CQ-Contest] Contest Support

ku8e@bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Thu Aug 4 17:53:17 EDT 2005

  I have a theory of what the problem is with CQWW...

  Go to http://www.cqww.com/members.html to see who is on the CQWW contest committee.
Many of the members are familiar contest calls of active contesters. I bet they have stations to maintain in addition to the duties they have with CQ. How do to they find the time to do both, operate a contest, plus spend time with their families ???  I also notice some of these guys aren't as active as they used to be. It that because they have been too busy checking CQWW logs and mailing out certificates. ?? 

     That's the whole problem with using volunteers. I ran the Georgia QSO Party for
a couple years ( and Ohio before that) and doing log checking, compiling the results and all the 
other administrative stuff you have to do takes a lot of your time. Just multiply CQWW by 1000 
compared to what I had to deal with.  That's why the whole process takes so long.  

  It would be nice if CQ got up to speed with the other contest sponsors. Everyone is putting their
results on the web. You could go even further by programming your web site to print a certificate
for you online and you could print that in the comfort of your own home on your color printer. Just
think of the money a sponsor would save on printing costs and postage !!  There are many more certificate winners than plaque winners and that would free up your time to make sure you get those plaques out on time.

 Over the years I have experienced many of the same things that have been discussed.. missing plaques, incorrect info on a certificates etc...  In fact one of my most prized possesions is a 1983 certificate for the CQWW CW for "First Place 7 Mhz for St Kitts".  Only problem is I was operating as VP2EEW on Anguilla !!! It sure would be nice to hear what some of you CQWW contest commitee members think of what everyone is saying on this subject. 

Too bad ARRL doesn't have a worldwide contest in addition to ARRL DX. They would blow away CQ..

Jeff  KU8E


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