[CQ-Contest] Logging Error Reduction Solution

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Thu Aug 4 22:23:49 EDT 2005

It just came out of the blue today...the solution for a ZERO error rate for 
all contest log submitters, and it's very simple.

If each contest exchange required both parties in the QSO to re-send what 
he (or she) has typed into *their* software (callsign and complete 
exchange), a full two-way QSO would not be considered as bona fide until 
both sides give each other a final "R" or "TU" (for "Thumbs Up" :-)  When 
both logs are sent in, error checking should result in no errors for either 
OK...many will think "Horrors - my total QSO rate will be cut in half...or 

Not a problem.  Final tabulation upon log submission can be "Actual QSOs" 
(times 2) = "Final QSOs".   Or, double the point value per 
QSO.  Shucks...you could even multiple by 3 or 4 or whatever!  It's called 
"Creative Accounting" !!!

Simple.  Non-Rocket Science.  It *is* a possible (creative) solution.

FYI & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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