[CQ-Contest] CQWW Robot acknowledgment emails

Dave Pascoe km3t at km3t.org
Thu Dec 1 07:18:21 EST 2005

If you have submitted your log to the ssb at cqww.com or cw at cqww.com email 
addresses and have not received an acknowledgment reply from the CQWW 
Robot, please read on.

We have been observing at least one ISP (AOL) apparently dropping email 
"on the floor."  They receive the email and it's a mystery where it goes 
from there.  So, whether you are an AOL user or not, first check your 
"spam box" for the CQWW Robot reply.  Your ISP may have "filtered" it 
for you.  Or you may have filtered it for yourself if you're using your 
own spam solution.

In any case, if you have not received a reply, check these web pages and 
make sure your log has been received:

SSB: http://www.cqww.com/logs-received_ssb.htm

CW:  http://www.cqww.com/logs-received_cw.htm

Even if you have received a reply and acknowledgment number, it's a good 
idea to check the web pages above to make sure your log has been 
received and is in the repository.  The lists are auto-updated at least 

Dave KM3T

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