[CQ-Contest] 2005 CQWW CW - QRP or LP? Just curious.

Andrei Nevis v49a at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 1 18:34:32 EST 2005

Hello fellow Contesters,
  Just curious,
  Was V26K in QRP Entry rather then LP?
  73's Andrei EW1AR-NC2N
  Call               QSOs Zones Cntry   hr      Score Club
V26K(AA3B)        5469   114   409  42.2  7,175,560 FRC
HI3/SP9XCN(@HI3C  4064   105   301    46  3,783,514 
C6AQQ(ND3F)       3495   101   309  38.5  3,270,570 PVRC

mwdink at eskimo.com wrote:
  2005 CQWW CW - Non-USA 3830 Claimed Scores 01Dec2005

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