[CQ-Contest] 1 ponters for CQWW

W4ZW w4zw at comcast.net
Sat Dec 3 16:49:55 EST 2005

I just screened my CQWW CW Log for zero point W/K Q's.  Almost everyone of
them were double mults for me, including NQ4I and K4XS.  I'm a part time
contester with kids still at home and in school so my contesting time is
rationed, but in every W/K Q in CQWW  I always send "TU Mult."

The flavor of CQWW includes the Caribbean Contest Stations and the
Mediterranean Stations and it's worked FB for a lot of years.  Are parts of
it unfair by geographical location?  Sure, but so is a wire dipole and LP in
a deed restricted neighborhood, but we still have fun doing this contest.  I
say we keep it as it is.


Jon Hamlet, W4ZW

Casey Key Island, FL
"A little piece of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico" 

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