[CQ-Contest] zero pointers etc

Michael Tope W4EF at dellroy.com
Sat Dec 3 20:09:29 EST 2005

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <k4ik at subich.com>

> Quite simply ... the zero point rule discourages participation
> in large geographically spread countries.  DX means "distance"
> not, necessarily another country.  There is no reason that K4XS
> should get zero points for a QSO with a W1 when a DL would get
> at least 2 points for a QSO less than 1/3 the same distance.

What we really ought to do is go to a grid square based format like
the Stew Perry Contest. Keep the multiplier structure the same (the
software can figure out the DXCC country and CQ zone from the 
callsign and the grid square. QSO points based on actual great circle 
distance. This wouldn't get rid of the auoral zone handicap (unless 
you weighted the distance based on degree of auroral zone traversal), 
but it would make "DX" synonymous with "distance" again.   

> Adopting the CQWW RTTY system of one points for "own country"
> and multipliers for US States/VE Provinces will not materially
> change the nature of the contest.  However, it will encourage
> more activity in the US and Canada as well as make single band
> 160, 80 and 40 meter entries more appealing.

This format makes the CQ WW 160 contest fun from the West
Coast. There is still huge incentive to work DX because of the 
QSO point differential and the added multipliers, but the 2 pointers 
from stateside contacts give you something to do while you are 
waiting between openings to the 10 pointers.  

Mike, W4EF...............................

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