[CQ-Contest] ARRL 160 and DX Window

W4ZW w4zw at comcast.net
Tue Dec 6 09:53:50 EST 2005


I thought the DX window was 1830-1850 according to my YAESU Frequency/band
chart I keep taped behind a cabinet door.  I haven't been on 160 in so many
years that I had to check the window freqs when I fired up on 160.  When was
it narrowed to only 5kHz?

I had forgotten how deaf one is on 160 without a good RX antenna!  At least
my last minute bazooka seemed relatively quiet with only a S4-5 noise level!

Jon Hamlet, W4ZW

Casey Key Island, FL
"A little piece of paradise in the Gulf of Mexico"  

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