[CQ-Contest] What to expect from 10 meters???

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Tue Dec 6 20:48:58 EST 2005

At 03:16 PM 12/6/2005, Jacob W Tennant wrote:

>I am a novice contester and was wondering what to expect from this weekends
>ARRL 10 Meter contest? Will be trying as a single op low power (100watts)
>without any fancy equipment just my FT-840 and a 80 meter dipole. My big
>vertical is at a friends house after a snow storm took out his antennas.
>Just wondering. . .
>Jacob Tennant - K8JWT


You will probably be surprised at how much activity there is. During 
the previous solar cycle at about this same point (pitiful SFI) I 
worked over 500 stations during the contest. Outside of the contest 
the band was dead. Ten is open a lot more than most folks realize.

73, Bill W6WRT

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