[CQ-Contest] Log checking questions

Steve London n2ic at arrl.net
Thu Dec 15 18:33:18 EST 2005

ve4xt at mb.sympatico.ca wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Quite the pickle, isn't it?
> I would say the first thing is to contact XY8Z and make sure he was 
> actually on during that time.

I think you missed a sentence in my original posting. "You [the log 
checker] have personal knowledge that XY8Z was not active in the contest."

> If he was, then I'm not sure what you can do about the 
> unassisted/assisted conundrum. It is certainly possible that any or
> all of the stations claiming contact with XY8Z did indeed find him,
> as Hans says, like real radiomen, without assistance.
> The likelihood of finding him unaided increases the longer he's on,
> since more people will tune by the pileup. Indeed, there's not even a
> guarantee that the first guy to nail him found him via packet.
> The only thing any of this proves is that a bunch of people worked
> him shortly after he was spotted. It falls far short of any burden of
> proof that folk cheated, or entered the wrong class accidentally.
> I would be leery of even saying it looks suspicious, considering how
> adept some guys are at S&P unassisted.
> 73, kelly ve4xt
>> From: Steve London <n2ic at arrl.net> Date: 2005/12/15 Thu PM 12:25:14
>> CST To: CQ Contest <cq-contest at contesting.com> Subject:
>> [CQ-Contest] Log checking questions
>> Put yourself in the shoes of a contest log-checker.
>> (All calls, contests, and times in this example are completely
>> ficticious.)
>> In checking the logs, you notice that a number of stations claim to
>> have worked XY8Z between 1700-1730Z. No other QSO's with XY8Z
>> occurred
> at
>> other times during the contest. You have personal knowledge that
>> XY8Z was not active in the contest. On a whim, you go to the DX
>> Summit and enter XY8Z in the spot database search. You find a
>> single spot for XY8Z at 1658Z. You also notice that many of the
>> logs claiming to have worked XY8Z were submitted as
>> single-operator, without assistance.
>> Were those logs entered in the wrong category, either accidently or
>>  maliciously ?  What would you do as contest log checker ?
>> 73, Steve, N2IC _______________________________________________ 
>> CQ-Contest mailing list CQ-Contest at contesting.com 
>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/cq-contest

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