[CQ-Contest] Young Contesters, Unite!

Dan Craig N6MJ n6mj at adelphia.net
Thu Dec 15 18:56:43 EST 2005

I was in the same shoes for the last WRTC.  I was only 21, still going 
to school, just working part time, and didnt have the money to afford 
the trip to OH.  Tree, N6TR, was nice enough to set up a fund to help 
out any "young contesters" that were going to WRTC.  If it wasnt for the 
fund, I would have had a very hard time affording the trip.

Maybe we need to setup another fund, and open it up for any young 
contesters to use.  I am a member of World Wide Young Contesters, and 
there are several members that have the skills to compete at WRTC, but 
they cant afford the trip to PY.

Dan N6MJ

 >The young contesters surely know about WRTC in Brazil !
 >I think the biggest problem for the Young Guys is to find the >economical
 >recourses to go to Brazil, at least from Europe it is a VERY expensive 
 >and considering that most young contesters are still in school this 
 >makes it
 >impossible to even consider, therefore so few applications have been 
 >in to the organizing committee. Maybe something could be done to meet 
 >73 de
 >(23 yrs)
 >WWYC Member #49

 > -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
 > Från: cq-contest-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:cq-contest-
 > bounces at contesting.com] För Ward Silver
 > Skickat: den 14 december 2005 20:30
 > Till: CQ-Contest Reflector
 > Ämne: [CQ-Contest] Young Contesters, Unite!
 > Hi folks,
 > Now is the time for Young Contesters (YCs) to make their application to
 > WRTC-2006.  And it is also the time for all good Old Contesters (OCs) to
 > help them do it!  Our youthful competitors need your encouragement,
 > reminders, exhortations, and assistance to get their scores on the
 > application forms and submitted to the WRTC-2006 committee by Dec 31st.
 > Assuming the YCs are aware of WRTC-2006 and the three YC teams, they may
 > be
 > holding back thinking, "Oh, I could never get picked" or "My scores 
 > so good."  OCs do you remember when you were a YC and just getting
 > started?
 > Surely there is a YC in your club or community that would benefit by your
 > taking notice and helping them apply.  If nothing else, your help will
 > show
 > them that the contest community does recognize them and values their
 > participation.  They don't have to be in the Top Ten or even to have
 > participated in every contest!
 > So think about the under-21 contesters in your area and make sure they
 > know
 > about WRTC-2006 and make their application!  Brazil is not an impossible
 > goal - but it will be if they don't apply.  Give them a hand, OCs!
 > 73, Ward N0AX
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