[CQ-Contest] Log checking questions

Lee Hiers lee.hiers at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 09:10:54 EST 2005

On 12/19/05, N7MAL <N7MAL at citlink.net> wrote:

> It has been pointed out during this thread it would be nice before you guys make comments try reading first. 2 of the biggest spotters were KT3Y & K1TTT, hardly casual contesters. Those are both big contesters and know the rules.

So what?  If they're not entering, it doesn't matter.  Yes, I've
considered getting on in NAQP running a KW just for fun, fully aware
of the rules of the contest.  The only ones that apply are those of
the FCC...until I enter the contest.  I've come in 1st place in
CQWW/ARRL DX as part of MultiOps, top 10 in SS/ARRL160/NAQP as a
SingleOp, but mostly I'm a "Casual Contester".

> Casual operators don't sit for hour after hours spotting 160 meters. Casual operators don't usually have 160 meter antennas mainly because of the size of a 160 meter aerial. Compromise aerials don't usually work very well on 160 either for receiving or transmitting.

Maybe not in AZ, but come east...there are plenty of guys on that band
that have wimpy antennas and spot folks.  And judging from some of the
spots, they can't necessarily copy the code that well either....

If you're not watching the spotting networks, how do you know "Joe
Casual" isn't spotting?

Lee Hiers, AA4GA
"Have Dobro Will Travel"

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