[CQ-Contest] WRTC Selection Criteria

ku8e@bellsouth.net ku8e at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 19 17:21:34 EST 2005

  Why even have a selection criteria ??  Let everyone who wants to operate the WRTC operate...

   Why should the sponsor provide a station/tower/antennas. Let each entry bring their own 
  and setup DXpedition style -  a rig, amp and wire only antennas. The sponsor could help in finding 
  station locations where you could setup something.  I'm sure there would be plenty of possiblities 
  within 100km of a popular tourist destination, where  most of the WRTC's have been held.

     I agree there are many operators that are as good our better then the "well known" operators that 
  operate at multi-op stations. Give these guys a chance. The selection criteria of the last two WRTC's
  has eliminated the odds of some "underdog" coming along and winning...

  The bottom line is contesting is not fair.  Those who have all the toys and the right combination
  of operating skills and propagation always win. 

Happy Hoildays... Jeff KU8E

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