[CQ-Contest] Log checking questions

Kelly Taylor ve4xt at mts.net
Tue Dec 20 21:45:30 EST 2005

SS clearly says the exchange consists of a consecutive serial number, but
unlike some contests, does not specify where it must begin. But if you're
not entering the contest, you don't have to follow that rule, either.

73, kelly
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "K0HB " <k-zero-hb at earthlink.net>
To: "Zack Widup" <w9sz at prairienet.org>; <cq-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 3:13 PM
Subject: Re: [CQ-Contest] Log checking questions

> >
> > I've often considered getting in on a contest that requires serial
> > numbers about an hour after it started and then doing S&P, giving people
> > serial numbers in the thousands, and then not sending in a log. That
> > should raise a few eyebrows!  :-)
> >
> Is there any rule that says serial numbers have to start at 001, or that
> you can't "jump" a few hundred during the contest?  (Probably will be now,
> if there isn't already!)
> I've sometimes thought that'd be a great "psych-war" tactic to demoralize
> your section competition in SS!
> Beep         beep
> de Hans, K0HB
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