[CQ-Contest] A Suggestion for 2010 WRTC Selection Criteria

Yuri ve3dz at rac.ca
Thu Dec 22 22:56:24 EST 2005

Thanks, Bill.
That is exactly my point - who would bother to fly to Caribbean for ARRL DX
if the same amount of points could be earned just by winning "your area" in
the 4-hour NA Sprint?

73 Yuri  VE3DZ

> It's a little late for this now, but I think whatever organizer takes on
> responsibility for the next WRTC, needs to come up with the scoring grid
> of time instead of post-facto.
> Let the guys know which contests will be used and what the weighting is
> of time, the penalties for being a singleband effort or part of a MM crew
> so forth.  If guys know ahead of time what the scoring grid looks like,
> should be less griping about the selection process.  Many good ops are
> hurt by the MM and single band rules.  I would not have done so many
> band entries if I had known ahead of time how they would be scored, and
lots of
> guys may not have operated as parts of MM crews if they were seriously
> thinking of going to WRTC.
> I see it as a big positive for contesting.  If guys knew the Sprint
> 450 basis points as does the SS, can you imagine the amount of guys who
> be in the Sprint CW and SSB?  Think how many guys of the DX contest world
> be tempted to do a serious effort in the SS.  Wouldn't it be cool to hear
> being done seriously by KC1XX, W3LPL and K3LR as single ops, either by the
> owners or guest ops?  The participation would really be increased in some
of the
> 'lesser" contests.  Guys who are geographically and station hardware
> challenged, might be tempted to travel a couple hundred miles to a
competitive station
> that might otherwise be inactive in one of the qualifying contests.  There
> so many big stations inactive for domestic contest, it might be the way to
> get them on
> I'm not talking about spending $1000 bucks on airline tickets to operate
> the Caribbean, just a tank of gas for the opportunity to have a chance of
> getting some points for WRTC as a guest op at a good/great station in your
state or
> the one next to you.
> This post is not a knock against the PY guys.  It is just a suggestion as
> what could be done in the future to improve contesting and selection for
> 2010 WRTC.  I'm sure others have other worthwhile suggestions too, but
> not beat on the PY guys too much.  Their job, and remember they are all
> volunteers, is a tough one.
> Bill K4XS
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